Monday, June 29, 2009

New TechKnowledgy and Punky Brewster

YES. I know I spelled the title incorrectly. In fact I will be the first person in your life to save I have ranted and raved about television ads and companies spell things in ways that play on words. I strongly remember my third grade teacher stating the proven fact that "if a child sees a misspelled word or misspells a word it takes 72 gazillion times of them seeing it spelled correctly to get into their little weevil heads so they can hopefully spell the word correctly the rest of their lives. Or until they grow up, stop reading books, and forget how to spell their own name. And sweet Lord help them when they marry someone with the last name from another country, or not from the south, cause they really ain't gonna be able to spell that!!!"
Okay Mrs. Taylor didn't exactly say 72 gazillion times, but it is a lot of times a person has to retrain their brain to spell something correctly. With spell check, I don't believe a text should be spelled wrong. >whistling innocently< Do as I say not as I do.

I just couldn't help my title today though. Hopefully you can all spell "technology," in the proper context.

Moving on to my point.

I have a brand new computer. Yes, Me, and the Redcloud household. I am treating it gentler than a newborn baby. I have never owned a monitor this clear and large and if my desk chair were more comfortable I'd sit and watch movie here and not on the television. Also, a new printer where I can actually print things. Yeah! What a concept! Lets mention how I lied and just agreed with the salesman how I am a student to get 50 bucks off my new Mac and the PRINTER FOR FREE!!! EEEK!!! Then I get $10.00 off my monitor cause the box is dented but they triple checked it worked before I left? I feel good (dah dah dah dah dah dah) (WHY aren't there music notes on the keyboard?! They could be more important than the % symbol. Who cares about % and math anyways.)

So along with technology I have techknowledgy on my mind.
You get "Twitter," see www.twitter,com and you can open yourself up to a world of reading whats going on in the minds of not only friends and family, but FAMOUS PEOPLE.
I have discovered, the character I loved to watch on tv as a child turned out to be cool, just like yours truly as an adult! Yes!! I waited for days on end for new episodes of "Punky Brewster" and just yearned to be just like her. Funky colored clothes. Intellect, excitement, fun friends, and a dog named Brandon. So I tied colored socks around my wrists instead of colorful and funky long material she wore as bracelets. Hey, I was 4, she was older and someone probably took her to fabric store and let her have scissors and needle and thread. Then I used Brandon for my new puppys middle name in 4th grade. See how long Punky-ness stuck with me? Pre-schoool till NOW?!?!?!

So, my point is, years after the show is over I see messages from PUNKY BREWSTER all day long! I'm sure she hates to be called that. Let's say Soleil MoonFrye. Her real live name. What I discovered is
a) She loves coffee, she's a mom, she says things Im thinking already like, "I went to the store in my pj's and people stared and why is that not okay to go to the store in your pjs??!!" (cause you know how many times I've done THAT?!) oh and she loves coffee
b) I should not have picked Soleil MoonFrye as a favorite so I'd get sent a text every time she posts on (this is actually called "tweeting") Because Punky who also lovvvvvves sleep and understands what the lack of is, lives on west coast time and goes to bed later than I and still gets up earlier. As much as I care too about pajamas and the grocery store when I've just fallen to sleep at midnight I don't want to here my blackberry *ding* cause then I think someone needs me badly.

Soleil also has her own blog. Way cuter than mine. The basis is mostly about parenthood and kids. I guess she saves her quirkiness for Twitter where as I take up a whole blog for it.

There sure is something way cool about seeing who you wanted to be, you were probably a lot like as a kid. And you grew into a like acting person. Not that I don't stand for being my own person. I just happened to turn out this way too. Uncanny!

Now I'm off to cook eggs, and give my 10 year old cousin coffee. I'm sure Soleil MoonFrye would not do that but I AM okay? Then we're off to waterslide, and swim. I just hope she'll kayak with me, but after two years ago at age 8 she swore she'd never get into any kayak like object with me ever again. I will feel guilty for not spending the day cleaning house, but if I don't work on my tan I won't look as nice and my appearance matters when I'm the stylist to the stars.
So I will swim, and check Twitter some from the Blackberry while I'm there, know I get to come home to this awesome new computer and water slide a lot. All little things to get me through this day.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009



We all get up every day. That sounds simple right? It is. Until you throw in life's chaos.
Family members who gripe and try to either tell you how to live your live or try to do horrible things to ruin their own so that you have to tell them how to live thiers.
Work, be it the place we all have to shower and dress for so we can show up and make money to pay for things that we believe we need in order to sustain our lives. Our ancestors worked extremely hard for us to have running water, electricity and the means to live out the american dream. Certain days a week most of us trudge through to make money to have modern conveniences we feel we deserve such as automobiles, clothing not made from flour sacks and flushable toilets.
Pets. A house isn't a home with out a four legged thing or two.... or five. Hypnotizing little eyes that suck you in their world and make you believe you must take care of them. You will be fulfilled and unconditionally loved, if only you provide safe harbor. Until you run out of their favorite food and the cats scream at you. Puppies are precious until the poop on your carpet and then bite your ankles for not playing properly.
There's the never ending cycle of the worries of the world. We pray for those who are starving in third world countries but we still need some help ourselves. Some of us search daily for signs from above that we're on the right path, or even that a path is being laid out for us. Yes we are lucky and if you have a roof over your head, a change of clothes, and food to eat you are roughly in the top FOUR PERCENT of the world's population. How's that for making you feel guilty about complaining? Still we do. Rightly so.
This life thing isn't easy. I try and remember we are "Spritual beings having human experiences." So what I can offer are my thoughts, however you may feel about them, my quirky stories, and some proof that we do keep getting through these days.

As always, thoughts, opinions and quotes are expressed from writers perspective and not to be taken in place of medication or professional help. If you find writer misquoting or not giving proper accolades to originator of quote please feel free to site the source and correct the author.