Monday, July 6, 2009

First Blackberry Post

Hi people! This is my very first attempt to "Blog from the BlackBerry." If it gets lost in space, I will be angry but I'm sure I really have nothing important to say anyways.
You would find me in a small, one window room, in another city today. Its continental breakfast time. I have TWO drinks cause they are FREE. Let me note they "should" be free.
Where's my lovely coffee from TX I get at my house in Nashville? Where's my Star bucks I get at the salon? What is this thin excuse of caffeine? I did see a Star Bucks while the husband was driving last night. I could very well take the keys and run for it as he is still zzzzzz'ing. I remember Starbucks and a Revolutionary War cemetery and I'd probably end up asking a famous Colonel for coffee and he demanding I drop and give him fifty, from beyond the grave. Annnndddd its raining, the ground is wet, and I can't do push ups at a normal time, let alone BC (before coffee).
No one could tell I'm a famous hair stylist this morning. I'm so glad, I'm not up to signing autographs and handing out business cards 300 miles from home. I shampooed my hair and fell asleep wet headed last night so now it a mess of crinkled cut blonde french fries thrown into a pony tail. Dude with 5 year old dread locks looks better than me. If these people didn't go to the last Big Aveda show they would think my t-shirt that loudly announces "I'm On the Edge" means I'm a crazy hostile person. Especially with this hair.
So fun being incognito.
Its raining or else I'd try and hold my Sunday morning Worship service outside. I'm going to get this dining room of people to gather in prayer for things like our Troops, the U.S., world hunger, and the hope that Lisa Marie gets the rights to her daddy's song back since Michael had em and we know we went bye bye. Ya know what they say! Ya can't take your "stuff" with you when you go.
I must run so I can get em singing "How Great Thou Art" Elvis style OF COURSE, cuz this man is attempting to sweep us out of this room with a broom. Now there's fuzz in my cream cheese and the Spouse called, he's loading the car and I get to go!!!!!!
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

My dearly loved Blackberyy TOTTALY didn't allow me any more room than a few texts. So I had to email this to myself and copy and paste it here. Gotta figure out how to blog from the cell!